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The United States is a Nation of Immigrants. “Throughout American history, millions of people around the world have left their homelands for a chance to start a new life in this country—and they continue to come here to this day,” Gilder Lehrman Institute.  “Give me your tired, your poor/ Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,/ The wretched refuse of your teeming shore./ Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,/ I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” The New Colossus, Emma Lazarus.  Fresh Ground members are a “family” of immigrants, some are new, others 1st, 2nd, 3rd generation or older.  We believe in equal rights and equal opportunities for all American no matter your country of origin or heritage.  We support the resettlement programs assisting refugees in Michigan and are gravely concerned about US immigration, travel bans and efforts to reduce the number of refugees accepted to the US. 

Supporting Science

Science is critical to our health, economies, food security, and safety. Science plays a major role in each of our lives and it is important to respect and encourage research that gives us insight into the world. Several Fresh Ground members are active professionally and by choice in Climate Change Research, Health and Biomedical Sciences Research, and Environmental Science and Issues.   


The process of setting electoral districts, gerrymandering is a practice intended to establish a political advantage for a particular party or group by manipulating district boundaries.  Fresh Ground members are active in supporting efforts for a ballot initiative that would amend the Michigan Constitution to allow for a citizen-controlled system of re-districting.  




center for american progress





Fresh Ground members are active across a number of different areas and topics

topics of interest

Voters not politicians
refugee development center
MDHHS Refugee Services
St. Vincent catholic charities

Racism, etc.....

Racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, bigotry, and discrimination have no place in America.  Fresh Ground members are concerned about the current rise in hate crimes and extremism, the rights of immigrants, the LGBT community, economic justice and reform of our criminal justice system.  Members are learning and discussing important issues like restorative justice and what it means to be a sanctuary city.

southern poverty law center


Happiness Index

The question is “Why is America not on that list?”  People who live in “happiest countries” typically like their government, for one. Fresh Ground members learn about the countries on this top 10 list of 2017, discuss, and may choose to take action whenever. Examples: advocating for policies and laws that reflect what the happiest countries do for their citizens; supporting cultural messaging venues—music, visual arts, poetry, essays, novels, blogs, websites, etc. that reflect the great parts of American culture, and the culture—including attitudes/values—of the people of those happiest countries.

World happiness report
happiest countries

Civic Involvement

& Action

Fresh Ground members are seeking ways to make a difference in the civic life of our communities and developing the combination of knowledge, skills, values and motivation to make that difference, through both political and non-political processes.  Voting is an important Civic act (a Constitutional right) but it is not the only way to participate shaping our community, our state, or our country. The “Together on Fresh Ground” group is one such effort.  We meet once a month as a group and members support each other’s efforts in civic involvement and action.

center for civic education



social Problems

what solutions work?

Topics include: Criminal Justice System, Restorative Justice, Rise in Hate Crimes and Polarization of Political Views, Immigrants, LGBT community, Homelessness, Foster Care System. Fresh Ground members learn, discuss, and may choose to take action whenever, e.g. advocating for solutions that work to be implemented for the homeless in my city and other cities in my state. 

southern poverty law center


BiPartisanship -current & Past Presidents -

their Libraries & 


In a renewed spirit of political bipartisanship, we aim to learn from our past leaders. 

Obama Presidential Library
The Obama foundation
G.W. Bush presidential center
g.W. Bush presidential
library and museum
William j. Clinton
presidential library and museum
clinton foundation
In the Future
Future Trump Library
George H.W. Bush
Presidential Library
Ronald reagan 
Jimmy Carter 
Presidential Library and Museum
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